Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Favorite Things episode 1

I started a new job and have time for nothing else. Unfortunately, I am working for the man. You know the man. The one that has money to burn but doesn't use it for anything productive or helpful. I hate him, but I do have bills to pay.

Whenever life gets you down, say, for instance, when you find yourself feeling debased by doing what you have to to get by, then you should take a lesson from Julie Andrews and remember some of your favorite things. Here is one of mine:

Forbidden Zone. Starring Herve Villechaize and Susan Tyrell, Forbidden Zone is probably one of the best movies EVER!!! Remember the 80's band Oingo Boingo? This is the movie from which they took their name. With its cast of zany characters, this Richard Elfman film has it all. Sex, violence and people periodically breaking into song. The music was all composed by Danny Elfman who also plays Satan.

So, say you've had a trying day and you feel you might do bodily harm to someone. Stop. Get out your copy of Forbidden Zone and watch your stress away. I guarantee it'll work

Friday, October 19, 2007

Duck and cover

Have you seen this PSA where sweet, innocent children ask their parents if maybe it wouldn't be a good idea to have a plan in case of a terrorist attack? It sickens me. It's government propaganda meant to scare us so we won't question the all the things that the government is doing to screw over its own people.

Back in the fifties, at the height of the Cold War, students were treated to Duck and Cover movies. The government told the population that, if a nuclear bomb were launched, you could save yourself by simply ducking down and covering your head. I think we all know that that would never work. But it kept the masses appeased.

Why have we become such pussies? Oh, I'm scared. Someone might attack me. Toughen up, kids. Because if you don't, when and if an attack does happens, no amount of planning will save you.

And to the people who conceived and carried out this PSA, how dare you frighten people for your own ends? You make me sick.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

It's about time I said something about Wal-Mart

But what can I say that hasn't already been said?

I worked at K-Mart while I was in college. It was fine. Then, in the mid-nineties there was a huge controversy with the mart. It seemed that the company was firing its older employees just short of retirement to keep from having to pay out pensions. Well, people were outraged. It was a prime example of the man sticking it to the little guy. The masses boycotted the store. Revenue fell. The reputation of K-Mart was that of mud.

K-Mart heard the cries of the people and they changed their policies. And while there are fewer K-Marts now than in the 90's, they are still there. The fact that they are dwindling in number is most likely due to the competition of Wal-Mart and Target, not because they gave in to the people.

What does this anecdote teach us? It teaches us that if we band together we can make a difference. We have the power. All we have to do is use it.


Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Let Them Eat Cake!

"In a way, the world-view of the Party imposed itself most successfully on people incapable of understanding it. They could be made to accept the most flagrant violations of reality, because they never fully realized the enormity of what was demanded of them, and were not sufficiently interested in public events to notice what was happening. By lack of understanding they remained sane. They simply swallowed everything, and what they swallowed did them no harm, because it left no residue behind, just as a grain of corn will pass undigested throught the body of a bird." 1984-George Orwell

I've spoken before about the fact that the government has pretty much taken over the main stream media. Anyone who watches The Daily Show will have seen them take a recent soundbite and compare it to an older one showing that the powers-that-be keep trying to rewrite history so they don't look like a bunch of stupid despots, which is, in fact, what they are. And while ignorance is bliss, do you really want to pretend that the terrible things in this country aren't happening? Will you sit idly by and wait for society to crumble?

In Robert Graves' I, Clauduis, we are shown Rome shortly before its fall. It is a government full of solipsistic, self-aggrandizing crooks who believe that, as long as the people have bread and entertainment, they will let those in charge do whatever they want, regardless of the welfare of the masses. Are we so willing to let ourselves be mollified by cheap goods and reality television?
If we are then maybe it is time for this "great experiment" to end.

At the risk of sounding trite, the truth is out there. And if you are reading this, you have the key. There are so many alternative news sources available. Not to mention that you can get other countries take on our policies by reading their newspapers.

Please, expand your minds. Look for the truth. And don't allow corporations, politicians and the idle rich to ruin your home.

God(s) Bless America.