Monday, September 24, 2007

Another Fine Mess

Once again it's time for elections. And once again all of the candidates possess a fatal flaw too large to ignore.

We've devolved into a two party system where both of the parties are exactly the same. You know it's true. The only difference is are they up front about the fact that they are going to screw us over or do they lie about it.

So, why do we keep voting either Democrat or Republican? Are we just that lazy? You know, there are no longer Whigs because they went out of favor and the Republicans haven't always been around. We could easily affect a change in this rotten system of ours if we just opened our minds to the possibility of a third party who might actually make a difference.

Take the Libertarians. They want a smaller federal government. They think people should take personal responsibility instead of leaving it to the government. Their website includes a short quiz which will tell you if are a Libertarian. They take all the guesswork out of it. Couldn't be easier.

Then there is the Green Party. I know, they're all a bunch of hippies. But at least they don't want to rape the enviroment, take over the world or get rich at the expense of the American public.

Look, there are a lot of political parties out there. Instead of blindly following the masses, look into other possibilities and make an educated choice. It's your future.

(I do or do not approve of these parties in varying degrees. This is only a small sample of what's out there, so go and find them.)

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