Tuesday, February 19, 2008

My mind's made up

The Clinton's have put me off. It's politics as usual. And sometimes Hillary scares me. I think she's a great woman---strong, intelligent, a real model for a generation of girl's who have only had Paris Hilton to emmulate. But even though she wants to do things for good, she will need to take away (and is willing to take away) our Constitutional rights to carry out her plans. Facsism is facsism no matter what.

I'm hoping for a McCain/Obama matchup. It would be exciting. Yet with Romney out of the picture, I think most of his votes will go to Huckabee. Then the GOP will have no chance and thank the gods for that one!

Once you get passed all the lies on the internet about Obama, you should be able to see why so many are comparing him to JFK. He is really the only candidate that might possibly be able to bring about this change stuff we've been hearing so much about. He stands by his convictions. He was one of the few senators who voted against the Iraq war, and that took courage.

My indecision over the Democratic contender and McCain (the one Republican I thought may be worthy) finally ended. McCain wants more war. I can't understand how someone who spent 6 years as a POW in one bullshit war would want to not only continue a second bullshit war, but also wants more bullshit wars.


And McCain doesn't lift the spirits, either. He tells states like Michegan and Ohio that the jobs are gone and they aren't coming back. Why not just tell them to roll over and die? I don't see any reason why jobs can't come back to the American people. If McCain can, well, I guess he doesn't see the American people. http://lessjobsmorewars.com/?utm_source=rgemail

So, I've decided. Obama is the man.


Monday, February 4, 2008

The exception to the rule

I'm all about buying American, buying locally, keeping jobs in America.


DON'T BUY AMERICAN CARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

American car makers can't even sell their cars in other countries because the emission standards in other countries are too high. Cars from other countries are more fuel efficient and better for the enviroment. Thusly, they are better for everyone.

If we tell American car makers we aren't going to buy their product unless they get with the program, they will get with the program. Toyota and Honda lead in car sales. If they continue to take away business, the American car companies will have no choice.

Did you know that by 2009 your tv will be obsolete unless it is HD? The television companies will make a fortune. So why can't the car companies see that if everyone's car is outdated that they will reap the benefits? And why don't they realize all the jobs they could provide by improving car standards? Old cars will need re-outfitting. New jobs will be created because the demand for better cars will be great. It's a win-win.

So fuck Ford and GMAC. Save the kiss for when they deserve it.