Thursday, November 29, 2007

How safe are your children?

That's how they get you to watch the news.

So. Those plastic toys your kids want all the time are made in China and could be toxic. Whatever shall we do? And how dare those Chinese!

Think about it. If you were making $0.67 a day to make toys for spoiled American children who will have become bored or have broken said toy in a week or less, would you care that much in your work? More likely, your mind would be on your own children and whether or not you would be able to feed them.!&key=24660500&message=Successfully+updated+Supporter+information

Re-evaluate your lives. You don't need more. Your children have too much already. They will learn to appreciate what they have if you stop handing them everything they ask for. They might even learn how to earn things they want and become better people.

Let's face it, kids born after 1980 are rotten, solipsistic, mean-hearted, spoiled, whiny cry babies with very few exceptions. Maybe it took poisonous toys to save humanity.

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