Friday, September 28, 2007

Back off, Born-Agains!

Back off, Born-Agains! I had to say it again because, maybe if you Christo-Facists had gotten it right the first time around, you wouldn't have to be born again. And these people scare me.

In the name of Christianity they seek to destroy freedom, liberty and truth. There is no acceptance with these folks. You are either one of them or you need to be saved. They wage war against anyone they feel is not Christian or not Christian enough.

You may disregard their rhetoric as just words, but don't be fooled. They need to be taken seriously. Jews, homosexuals, artists, liberals, Hindus, African-Americans, immigrants, scholars, scientists, Muslims, pagans and women are all targets. I for one do not want to end up barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen. Not when so many women fought so that I could have the same rights (or at least similar rights) as men.

They prey on the desperate, using thinly veiled hate. They claim that democracy is the enemy of faith. They say God will provide. Well, guess what? He won't.

The Christian right has already infiltrated our congress, senate and Supreme Court. Even our highest official is born again.

Look. Don't let narrow-minded people tell you what is moral. You should know what is moral. You should make your own decisions. That is why god gave you freewill.

By the way. If you commit an evil to make the world a better place, you are still committing evil.

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