Saturday, July 28, 2007

Click this, Bitch!

Yesterday at work a couple of the girls were talking about seat belt laws. They both knew of at least one person whose life was saved because they were NOT wearing a seat belt.

My husband, in fact, was in an accident where he would have been killed had he been wearing a seat belt. Now he refuses to wear it, ticket be damned.

You've all seen the commercials. Click it or ticket, they say.

My favorite commercial is the one where they tell you that police officers are trying to save your life. Bullshit! The seat belt issue is about revenue. Your state wants money, so they'll just whittle away one more wee bit of your freedom to fill their coffers. Anyone who believes otherwise is deluding themselves.

I know there may be a risk if I don't wear my seat belt. There may be. I'm an adult and I'll take that into consideration. Then I will make up my own mind. After all, who gets hurt if I am in an accident without a seat belt? I do. Well, maybe I do. Or maybe by not wearing one my life is saved.

I wear my seat belt only to avoid a ticket and I resent it. People may think that this law doesn't matter much. Just shut up and strap yourself in, Missy. Fine. But remember this...every time you let the government tell you how to live your life, every law they pass and make us conform to is just one more step towards fascism.

Are you prepared?

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